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Free Hours*

*conditions apply

Nau mai haere mai - Welcome

Come on in to Lucknow Kindergarten and you will see, hear and feel an environment that is   natural and welcoming to all.

Amidst the sounds of bird life and insect life we hear the sounds of ākonga and kaiako engaging in ‘finding out about their world’.

You will see tamariki engaged in feeding their leftovers to the noke and the heihei.

You will see tamariki collecting eggs for their baking, harvesting worm castings for the marakai.

You will see tamariki leading their own play and making their own decisions on what to engage with in the environment.  This includes water; sand; mud; and climbing which support developing important physical and social skills.

Tamariki are empowered to resolve differences with kaiako alongside them.

You will see kaiako and tamariki gathering for their small whānau group time.  Storytelling, conversation and reciting pepeha is an important part of this time.  You will see value given to the dual heritage of Aotearoa.

You will see creativity in all aspects of the learning environment – visual arts, dance, music, clay and modelling. You will see tamariki and kaiako involved together in researching ideas, and asking questions. It is within these experiences that kaiako promote the literacy/language learning and the mathematical/scientific learning.

You will see whānau and grandparents calling in to share the learning with their tamaiti and spending time in our learning environment.

You will see kaiako and tamariki taking photographs of their learning. Every child has their own portfolio of learning, and an Individual plan on file.

Every kaiako has an iPad which means that children can be involved in the writing and printing of their own learning stories.

Please feel free to pop in anytime to visit our special learning space and to meet the Kaiako.

More info

Whānau Welcome Booklet

Vision and Philosophy

He taonga te mokopuna, kia whāngaia, kia tipu,kia rea.

A child is a treasure, to be nurtured, to grow, to flourish.

We give value to today as the richest time; Treasure the present

We give value to the image of the child as capable, competent, strong and empowered.

We give value to individual learning; to listening to tamariki’s interests, ideas, predictions, theories, research, self-assessment.

We give value to individual feelings, to warm responsive reciprocal relationships; to exploring social understandings and positive resolutions.

We give value to exploring the sciences, maths and technologies.  To exploring the arts, drama and music.  To exploring language and literacy in three languages - te reo Māori,  English and Signing.  To exploring physical challenges; gross motor and fine motor skill development.

We give value to the beautiful natural environment, to environmentally sustainable practices.

We give value to a bicultural partnership framed around Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and a tikanga that is respectful of all - past, present and future learners.

We give value to the close Parent Partnership; to the Whānau - they know the identity behind their child.


ERO Quality Evaluation Report

Hours and Fees

30 hours free early childhood education.

Monday – Friday:

Extended Day:

8:00 am – 3:30 pm (7.5 hours); or

8:30 am – 2:30pm (6 hours)

Starts: 18 January
Finishes: 19 December 

The kindergarten will be open Monday to Friday and open through term breaks (excluding Christmas break and public holidays).

Upcoming 2024 Statutory Holidays:

Hawkes’ Bay Anniversary – Friday 25 October

Labour Day – Monday 28 October


Up to 30 hours free early childhood education when you attest your 20 free hours  *conditions apply.

The cost of any hours over and above 6 hours per day is $6.00 per hour per child/tamaiti. This means that there is only a charge for the extended day of 7.5-hour (8am – 3.30pm) session.


Kim Kuring

Kaiako Matua (Head Teacher)

Bachelor of Education
Diploma of Teaching (ECE)

Mandie McDonald


Bachelor of Education
(Early Childhood Education)
 Diploma of Teaching
(Early Childhood Education)

Haylee Nolan


Bachelor of Education
(Early Childhood Education)

Lydia Dromgool


Diploma of Teaching
(Early Childhood Education)

Karen Hubbard


Diploma of Teaching
(Early Childhood Education)

Havelock North Kindergartens

Havelock North

Havelock North Central

Havelock North


Havelock North

Te Mata

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